We want to hear from you
If you are looking to book a private session with LANA MOVEMENT please fill out, in detail, the form below. You will be contacted within 24hrs for your free 15 minutes of consultation with Lana of IPJY and then you will be scheduled for your private one on one.

Not here for a One on One?
Please fill out the form below with any questions or concerns you may have for LANA MOVEMENT.
Deposits, Cancellations, No Shows and Missing Appointments
For all private sessions there will be a required amount of 50% of your total session due at the time of booking your private one on one with LANA MOVEMENT. Your consultations, appointments and well-being are very important to us. We also understand that sometimes, unexpected delays can occur, making schedule adjustments. If you need to cancel your appointment, we respectfully request at least 24 hours notice from the exact time of your appointment.

Our Policy:
  • Any cancellation or reschedule made less than 24hrs will result in a cancellation fee of the 50% deposit that was made from the moment you book your private session. The amount of the fee will be equal to 50% of the reserved session.
  • If you are more than 15 minutes late for your private session, LANA MOVEMENT may not be able to accommodate you. In this case, the same cancellation fee will apply. We will do our very best to reschedule your service for another time that is convenient to you.
  • We require the deposit to be made via Venmo or PayPal or credit card to hold your appointment. Cancellation fees will be automatically deducted from your deposit.
  • In the event of a true, unavoidable emergency, all or part of your cancellation fee may be applied to future services. But is up to the complete and full discretion of LANA MOVEMENT.